FR23 Kneeland & Coastal Prairies of Humboldt | 2020 | $15

Date - Friday, 04/17/2020
Time - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Trip Leader(s): David Juliano

Total spaces for this event: 12

Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 11

This event meets at the Community Center in the Arts & Crafts Room.

The Kneeland area is a beautiful inland region that is comprised of mixed coniferous forest, mountain prairies (like the Bald Hills of Redwood National Park), riparian habitat, and oak woodland. The views are spectacular and so are the birds, with local species like Sooty Grouse, Acorn Woodpecker, California Scrub-jay, White-breasted Nuthatch, California Towhee, and Chipping Sparrow being some of the highlights expected on this trip. Due to most of the area being private land, all birding will be done along the road, so carpooling to limit the number of vehicles will be essential. Some brief stops might be made around the Freshwater area on the way up the road to Kneeland, but most of the time will be spent birding the Mountain View Road loop. Have gas already in your vehicle if you plan to drive for the carpool. Bring food and drinks that you will want for the trip. There are no restrooms available once we get on the mountain roads.

This trip is mostly road-side without any strenuous or lengthy hiking.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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