FR27 North Jetty Sea Watch & Woodley Island | 2018 | $15
Date - Friday, 04/20/2018
Time - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Time - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Trip Leader(s): Rob Fowler
Total spaces for this event: 15
Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 0
The North Spit provides a variety of birding spots out to the Jetty. Here the rocky shore specialists- Surfbird, Black Turnstone, and Wandering Tattler can be found. A spotting scope at the end of the Jetty allows for scanning of the ocean for seabirds, so bring a scope if you have one. Woodley Island, Vance Road, and the Samoa Bridge will harbor nesting egrets and mud-dwelling shorebirds. A no-host group lunch is planned at trip’s end at Café Marina on Woodley Island.
This event is fully booked.