SA56 Elk River to Fields Landing | 2019 | $15
Date - Saturday, 04/20/2019
Time - 8:45 am - 1:45 pm
Time - 8:45 am - 1:45 pm
Trip Leader(s): Fanter Lane
Total spaces for this event: 15
Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 13
After meeting at the Community Center and carpooling to Eureka, this trip will start at the Elk River mouth, arguably the most productive and diverse birding location within Eureka City limits. With river estuary, salt marsh, and riparian habitats in close proximity the Elk River
mouth is the perfect first stop on this trip to get a good start on the species list for the day.
Afterwards, the trip will head towards King Salmon and Fields Landing to focus on waterbirds
like Red-necked Grebe, Harlequin Duck, White-winged Scoter and other waterfowl and other
waterbirds. One year a Lapland Longspur was found on the King Salmon dike during a Godwit
Days field trip and rarities like Yellow-billed Loon and Royal Tern have both showed up at the
Elk River mouth during previous Godwit Days festivals.
Bookings are closed for this event.