SU85 Blue Lake & Organic Farm for Wildlife | 2017 $15
Time - 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Trip Leader(s): Paul Lohse
Over the years Paul has developed his organic farm in Blue Lake and has always considered providing for wildlife as part of his plan. As an experienced birder Paul keeps us updated on species he encounters on his farm which is ideally located adjacent to the natural riparian forest along the Mad River just outside Blue Lake. The mixed chickadee flocks can be impressive as they move through the cottonwoods that skirt his property. Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Allen’s Hummingbird and possibly White-throated Swift should be seen. Located on the edge of town the riparian corridor along the Mad River is integrated into the rural urban interface to provide some of the most diverse habitat in our area. Restrooms are not available and a spotting scope is not critical.
Bookings are closed for this event.